MODEM: Mechanisms Of Dementia

Dementia is a complicated disease, which develops and progressively worsens over decades. Dementia encompasses several subtypes that we can distinguish, such as Alzheimers disease (AD), frontotemporal dementia (FTD), Lewy body dementia (LBD), and vascular dementia (VD). In MODEM, we investigate these different types of dementia, where we especially focus on the underlying processes and mechanisms that pley their part in the brain. By understanding these mechanisms, we can get a better understanding of the disease and how it progresses, but we can also get more insight into how we can protect our brains against dementia. Moreover, we can use this knowledge to open up opportunities to develop new medication and therapies.

The power of MODEM lies in the collaboration and cooperation between many national research institutions (see organisations), which allows us to tackle dementia from different angles and perspectives. These perspectives contain subjects such as neuroinflammation, the blood-brain barrier, and environmental stress. We will be focussing on connecting the dots between bodily systems, cellular and molecular processes, and the patient.

Is your curiosity sparked and do you want to know more about the different projects? Go to our 'Projects' page.

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"Ik maak me hard voor meer onderzoek en betere internationale samenwerking. En samen met ZonMw steunen we vanuit VWS meerdere grootschalige onderzoeksprojecten. In deze serie geef ik een inkijkje. Om te beginnen het project MODEM, ofwel ‘Mechanisms Of DEMentia’."

Minister Conny Helder, Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport

MODEM webinar

Next speakers:

Prof. dr. Ronald van Kesteren (VU Amsterdam) on:

'Neuronal excitation/inhibition imbalance in AD'


Dr. Aniko Korosi (University of Amsterdam) on:

'Early-life stress as risk factor for AD-focus on microglia and astrocytes'